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Our Authors – Dave Albans

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About the Author

David Albans’ upcoming book Dave says, ‘Don’t Worry!’ is a practical, prayerful and spiritual guide aimed at all who struggle with worry – whether they have faith or not. He believes that the Bible contains helpful and practical advice on how to overcome worry and shares this in an easily accessible way.

Welcome to our blog, Dave! Can you tell me more about yourself, where you live and who you live with?

I live in Lincoln with my wife, Kathleen, and my collection of guitars.  Kathleen keeps me grounded and we are blessed with a son, Graham (married to Jo), and 3 grandchildren.

I am a retired Highways Engineer but, as a Reader in my local parish church, I now spend lots of my time in church activity – preaching, leading small groups, getting involved in evangelism, etc. 

I have previously served as a volunteer Chaplain at our local Hospital and at the Lincoln School of Theology, and I achieved a First Class Honours Degree in Theology in 2012. 

Apart from writing, I enjoy playing guitar, running parkruns and 10k’s, researching my ancestry and holidaying in the Lakes.

So, why did you start writing?

I have always enjoyed being creative with words. Since being a teenager, I have always written songs. Whether it is the word on a page, or a word sung or spoken out in a sermon, I have hoped my words might resonate with others and have an impact for good. 

I think about legacy. What can I offer that might help others? What do I wish to say to my family and peers and the next generation? Writing my book is a way of leaving some wisdom that I have discovered on a subject I care deeply about. 

What do you want your writing to communicate? 

Since becoming a Christian as a teenager, I have always sought to tell others about God’s amazing love and His rescue plan for humankind found in Jesus. He has been the biggest and best influence on my life, and I want to share that because He affects every part of my life – how I work, how I react, how I treat others, how I spend my time – everything.     

What keeps you writing on your darkest day? What’s your passion?

I tend to write when I’m feeling inspired. So, it comes and goes. But things I read, hear, or see can readily spark a train of thought that I find interesting. So, I write it down.  A lot has been written about love and faith. When I write, I hope to say something about these things in a fresh way in order to inspire others too.

What’s next for you?

I have been working on a book of reflections based on things that have inspired me – a type of devotional.  There will be short bite-sized pieces offering insights gathered over many years from books, films, news items, quotes, songs, TV programmes, etc. Each one will have a related Bible quotation and, perhaps, a short prayer. It’ll be the sort of book you can dip into or use daily. Hopefully the reader will be stirred themselves or maybe challenged in some way. 

Sound brilliant! Thanks so much for joining us, Dave!

Inspired by Dave?

At Broad Place Publishing, we operate on a partnership model where we ask people like you to partner with us to support our authors in their ministry. We don’t believe they should have to pay thousands of pounds to bring amazing God-honouring content into the world, but sadly, that’s the reality with most publishing models in these challenging times. If you want to support Dave with a regular or one off donation, you can do so by joining his VIP club here. If you want to pray for Dave, you can sign up to his prayer team here.

Interested in Dave says, ‘Don’t Worry’?

You can also support Dave by purchasing his books. We give a higher royalty percentage back to our authors than most publishing houses because, quite frankly, they deserve it! Writing a book takes hundreds of hours of work, and you get to benefit for just a few pounds (similar to a cup of coffee and slice of cake).

While you’re considering that, why not pray about someone who could benefit from the message of Dave says, ‘Don’t Worry’, and buy them a copy as a gift too? We have a fantastic 2 for £10 offer on our shop page.

To purchase Dave says, ‘Don’t Worry’ click here.

Read more about Dave says, ‘Don’t Worry’ here.

Then enjoy!

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